There’s no such thing as being too late to the party when it comes to celebrating the amazing work of our volunteers.

Last week was National Volunteer Week. To acknowledge the great work of our Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) volunteers Ann and Terri, EAL teacher Rachel Storer threw a little party to thank them for giving up some of their own time each week to spend with our migrant students studying English.

AMEP volunteers and students

“What a lovely lunch!” volunteer Terri said.

“I get many rewards from coming along to help at Rachel's class. Getting to know the students and watching them develop their skills and confidence is lovely. The students are so relaxed and enthusiastic.”

“It really is a lovely class and I look forward to spending time with them all each week,” Ann said.

“I learn so much from them all and it’s great to see the confidence and language skills building in each and every student. I admire their courage to come to class and build their English skills and I am sure it will help them all in their everyday lives.”

Rachel said it was the least they could do.

“We so appreciate the time and effort Ann and Terri give to our migrant students each week as part of our volunteer tutor scheme – their warm personality, enthusiasm and sensitivity make such a difference," she said.

"I know that their commitment as an AMEP volunteer has improved the settlement experiences of so many families in our community.”

Happy belated National Volunteer Week to all our amazing volunteers. We couldn’t do what we do without you!

Interested in becoming a volunteer at TAFE Gippsland?

Call our team on 03 5120 4541 or email

Visit our website for more information about the AMEP at TAFE Gippsland.